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How Bad Do You Want It? You May Not Want It Bad Enough IF...

Stew smith

How Bad Do You Want to Achieve Your Goal?  

You May Not Want It Bad Enough IF...

Do you have a goal in front of you? How badly do you want to achieve that dream? Are you willing to take on the challenge to get there? 

There will always be obstacles, sticking points and eventually a moment of truth when you must answer the question, “How bad do you really want to do this?”

Here is a list of ways that will test how much you really want to achieve your goal.

You may not want it bad enough IF…. 

The pain of long days and nights, the dread of hard work, and near-constant discomfort and stress convince you to decide on a change of direction in your career choice.

You keep getting distracted by things that harm your focus.

You cannot get started because you don’t have all the things you need.

You can talk yourself out of accomplishing a task required for success in your goal.

If someone else can talk you out of it.

If subtle comments make you doubt your journey.

Doubt your abilities when you first fail at something.

In the end, success in any goal means that you must make it through all the ups and downs of a challenging journey. If you’re going to make it, your why must be so deeply rooted that it becomes your fire and your passion

Why is passion so important? That fire can help you when you need it the most.

For FULL article see - How Bad Do You Want It? 

Who Is The Tactical Fitness Coach / Author Stew Smith?

 I'm the former Navy SEAL that military recruits and special ops candidates go to for books, ebooks and online coaching to prepare themselves to get to and through intense tactical assessment and selection programs and qualify for service in their chosen tactical profession.  See More at

Check out the Complete List of Training Programs (Spec Ops, Military, Police, Fire) 

Published Book Workouts 
2 for 1 Deal While Books Last

Tactical Strength  
Warrior Workouts Vol 1  |   Vol 2   
The SWAT Workout

IN FACT - If you buy any of the above published books that we have remaining on our shelves, we will add in a FREE book on that list into your package!

 More Options Available

Spec Ops Running / Rucking Plan (Advanced)
Week 1 is 15 miles per week and builds up to 35 miles per week

Or Try Workout Programming Specifically Designed for any Tactical Fitness Goal:

Which Program is Right For Me - Special Ops Candidates 



Navy SEAL Workout Phase 1 Beginner Weeks 1-9 
Navy SEAL Workout Phase 2 - 3 - Intermediate Weeks 1-12
Navy SEAL Workout Phase 4 Grinder PT - Four weeks before Hell Week

Other titles of published books can be found at like Navy SEAL Fitness, Navy SEAL Weight Training, and others...

These are some of the best selling programs at

And more BOOKS from the BOOK section at :

Tactical Fitness (40+) Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4


NEW:  Increase Strength and Crush PST / PAST (Winter lift cycle)
NEW:   Calisthenics and Cardio (only) (Spring / Summer Cycle)
NEW:  Stew Smith's Fall / Winter Lift Cycle
NEW:  Stew Smith's Spring / Summer PT / Cardio Cycle


The Military / Special Ops Physical Fitness Workouts


Navy Training Pipeline

Army Training Pipeline


USMC Training Pipeline


Boot Camp, Service Academy, Rescue Swimmer, Plus Running!


The Law Enforcement / Fire Fighting Physical Fitness Workouts


Many of the above titles are in both BOOK and EBOOK versions, notice for first word in the title of the BOOK or EBOOK for which code applies. 

Online Coaching Options

Buy this for yourself or for someone who asks specifically for it - these do not make good surprise gifts..

Save $50 on Online Coaching with PTCLUB50 coupon code

Online PT CLUB - Weekly Workouts created personally for you.

Premium Coaching Program This Program is ONLY for Those Who Are Serious - But Need a Little Extra Motivation

Save $50 on Premium Online Coaching with PTCLUB50 coupon code

Sometimes We Need a Workout Partner

Do you need a program that actually works for you? We can build it personally for you and your personal goals and help you fit it into your day with the equipment you have available.  Let Stew Smith be your training partner and coach.

Many people ask me what is the difference between the Premium Program and the Online PT CLUB Coaching.  The people on either program receive personalized training from me - Stew Smith - to best fit your abilities, goals, time per day, days per week, facilities, and equipment.  We communicate regularly about your progress and your feedback helps me create the next week plan for you.  There is no template workout and see you later.  These programs are created 1 week at a time with YOU and ME in communication to figure out how best to create the next week.  Give me a call to see if it is right for you or not - 410-271-0837!

Questions?  Just email me at

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  2. Podcasts and Swimming Videos at page  
  3. eBooks
  4. Books and eBooks in PRINT
  5. Stew Smith Fitness Club membership site
  6. Online Coaching  

Stew Smith

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