Just an update. I am proud to say after a lot of hydration and pushups I improved most of my scores. This morning I scored an 824 swim, 84 pushups, 100 situps, 17 pullups, and a 952 run. I did not cramp up this time which was nice. I just have to take my C-Sort and hopefully score well on that. Hopefully I will be signing a SO contract soon. I must say it is all thanks to you. Your Navy SEAL workouts, your PST workout, strategy , and swim videos (youtube / tikTok) really helped me a great deal. Thank you for all that you do.

I'm writing to say thank you. Last Saturday, without knowing it, you helped me to run for the first time in 163 days. Let me start from the beginning.....About three years ago my best friend and I lived together in college. At the time, she was obsessed with strength, not just looking good, but real, functional strength. She was also obsessed with being able to do a pull-up. She brought home countless books on these topics, but the one that truly helped her to achieve these goals, and the one that we both still own, is your book "Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness." Through the years we have both done the 12 week workout in the book, and I used your plan to run faster to run a 7 minute mile, which was a huge goal of mine. As time has gone on and we've gained more responsibilities in our lives, our fitness goals have become more modest, but we regularly talk about you and look through your book. Truthfully we have always been a little obsessed with you. We're like Stew Smith groupies. :)Anyway, that's how I came to know you. I joined the Peace Corps and left for my 2 year assignment in Cambodia last July. I was in Cambodia for 5 weeks to the day when I was hit by a bus (think Greyhound) while riding my bike home. Thankfully my only serious injuries were 2 pelvic fractures and a sacral fracture. Sadly though, my Peace Corps career ended and I was flown back home. While I was in Cambodia I exercised daily. The day before the accident I had done some sprints. That was the last day I had run until last Saturday. In December my doctor released me with no restrictions which meant running was again an option. Here's where you come in. In the "Navy SEAL Fitness" book there is a picture of you running on the beach and you have the biggest, most genuine smile on your face. I have always loved that photo because you have a look of pure joy. All I could think about at the beach was that photo and it gave me the desire and the courage to go out to the beach and run. I ran for less than a minute, but it didn't hurt, my pelvis didn't shatter and it felt awesome. And I had a huge joyous smile on my face the whole time. So thank you. Thank you for serving our country, for being an inspiration to so many people and for sharing your knowledge and joy with people, with me. I won't be running marathons anytime soon, but I now have the confidence to be able to run a little at a time and maybe get back to that 7 minute mile someday. Thank you, Stew! Kayla
Hey Stew, I just finished your 12 week Air Force PJ / CCT Workout program. It has made a huge difference in my training for Pararescue. I am getting shipped out for the Air Force in about 3 months and this program has really helped me in getting in shape for indoc. Here are my scores before and after I did the 10 week workout.
PAST before: |
PAST After: |
1.5 Mile Run: 9:57 |
1.5 Mile Run: 9:22 |
500m Swim: 8:15 |
500m Swim: 7:11 |
Pull Ups: 18 |
Pull Ups: 26 |
Sit Ups: 92 |
Sit Ups: 106 |
Push Ups: 87 |
Push Ups: 118 |
The information that I found on your website was easy to understand and especially so for a guy who had never really been health conscious before. I followed many of your diet tips, added your exercise program and lost 75lbs two years ago and I am currently planning to finish off with seeing my recruiter. I have never before been confident of the way I look and I just wanted to thank you for the help. Andrew
From PT Club Member: Another workout done… I’ve been meaning to take some pictures but I wanted to say that I think I might be in the BEST shape I’ve been in for, well, as long as I can remember. I’ve been fitter in specific areas, but as an all-around gauge, I’m feeling pretty good! My upper body is so awesome… Even though I’m getting faster with my runs, I seem to just be focusing less on times, splits, etc and just ENJOYING the workouts… something I, again, haven’t done for a while. Sooo THANKS!!
I have purchased the Navy Seal Guide to Fitness twice in my life. I first used your book to train before joining the Army. I have been the PT award in Basic Training, At Warrior Leaders Course, at the Advanced Leaders Course, I have graduated SFAS, I was the distinguished honor graduate of the Advanced Leaders Course, Pathfinder School, The reconnaissance and surveillance leaders course, and the Civil Affairs Specialist course. Thanks for your help.

Hey, I emailed you a while back about applying the push up push workout to sit-ups and you told me to let you know my results. well, I tested myself a few minutes ago, and I went from about 60 in 2 minutes in both push ups and sit-ups to 86 sit ups and 77 pushups. To be honest, I probably could have pushed to 80 push ups since I had 30 secs left over, but the max for the Naval Academy CFA is 75. I would like to reach the max 95 sit-ups before the seminar this summer, but overall I am extremely happy with my results and I want to thank you so much for your help and encouragement! I think I would have had slightly better results had it not been for my long day schedules between school and work right after school. I was only able to spread out the all day workouts to 4 sets every hour in the evening. I compensated slightly by doing 10 sets all at once on those days. I did 300 sit-ups and 200 push ups every other day. As I said, I'm happy with the results and cannot thank you enough for helping me get prepared for the seminar this summer!

Not knowing where to start I plugged in weight loss/workouts in to Google and began my search yours was my 4thsih site and it was exactly what I needed. I followed the 45 day plan, the stretching guide ( I do that every day) the work out plans the run plans, and low-carb diet, I went from 313 to currently 209 (just 9 more to go for the army and then more during basic) from not being able to do one push up to doing 70 on average every other day, from sit ups that hurt after 10 to doing 100+ with no problem, from having a rough time walking 1 mile to running 3.5 miles every other day with a 2 mile time of 19:21 (still working on that). My wife is cannot believe the different man I am today. Once again thanks for the great site. JasonHi stew, i have been training for almost a year now. I read your articles and your book "The Complete Guide to Navy Seal Fitness''. I started with just 5 pullups, 60 situps and 20 pushups, right now i'm able to do 18 pullups, 113 situps in 2 min. and 72 pushups. Thank you so much! In about 2 weeks i'll be in the navy and and never felt so prepared as now.
Thanks again as usual, you have always shot straight and your dedication is without peer. By the way, I used your push/pull program to increase my test scores, jumped from 55 in pushups to 82 and from 16 to a solid no kip, dead hang 25 both of which while wearing my assault vest. Killer two weeks though, that was tough just getting in the 220 and 68 reps daily and I wore my vest every session! R

My very first step was to check out your website again to see if there was any "goal specific" books to help on my journey and sure enough you had a book for that too! I was VERY impressed with the SWAT Workout, i could literally find nothing wrong with it since it included warmups, stretches, PT, cardio, and cooldowns; and also staggered the training to have "rest built in" to the routine by splitting up body parts. It's as if you sat down with experts in LE Fitness and literally went through the NASM textbook and designed flawless goal oriented program. Excellent work. So I decided to buy a copy of The Special Ops Workout. upon doing further research realized you're a CSCS, no wonder SWAT was so good . I'm just writing this email to thank you for doing all the hard work putting together such excellent programs and helping thousands of guys like me get into the field, and in my specific case, Back into the field. you really made it easy to get back in shape (well i wouldn't say easy.... LOL) and my clients LOVE some the Stew Smith inspired workouts i incorporate into their routines because its like nothing they've ever done before. Thank you very much for helping a guy get back to work. AF

Hey Stew, I had been meaning to send you a picture of my SWAT Workout book. I bought it in either 2007 or 2008. I had it since my 1st Class Year (Senior) at the Virginia Military Institute. I credit it with helping me lose around..geeze.. probably 40 lbs in the first year I used it. I did the Police Academy Workout a few times, then SWAT Candidate a few times, and for the past couple years I have been doing the On-Duty SWAT, with some other stuff mixed in with the workouts to keep it fresh. There was no cover or back, it was held together with duck tape, and in a general state of disrepair. And I wanted to send you a pic of it before I placed it in retirement and purchased one of your Ranger/Special Forces Workout Books. I work for the FBI now, and am in the process of joining the Army Reserve for Civil Affairs/PSYOPS/EOD. Anyway, apparently due to your book, I make an impression in the Gym. On Monday I laid my book on a bench in the gym as I went to use the restroom..I came back and the book was gone. I went to the desk to see if somebody turned it in- nothing. Asked around- nobody saw anything. Somebody stole it. I had that book for 5 or 6 years, and it completely turned my life around. I felt like somebody took a part of me haha. I know it is silly to get caught up about a book, but it symbolized more to me than just a list of workouts. I apologize for bothering you, but since I didnt get to send you pictures, I wanted to give this little story to show you my appreciation. I will be buying your 'The Army Special Forces / Ranger Workout very soon since I am now workout less! Thanks for everything Stew. Respectfully, CG
Thanks you for your assistance Sir. I have always enjoyed the intense workouts in your books and the training was invaluable when I went through MARSOC A&S. Thanks again for all your help and just let me know if you need anything form me.
Stew, I just wanted to send you a quick note that my son passed the USNA CFA yesterday!!!! By watching your video, he improved his basketball throw from 41 feet to 56 feet in just a couple of weeks. You are absolutely correct – it is ALL physics (getting your left arm, torso, and right arm moving in tandem). Thank you very much for this!!!! You have a VERY satisfied customer here.
I wanted to email you and say THANK YOU! Today I passed the FBI PFT with a score of 18. This was my second time taking it and last time I scored 8, with minus two on the 1.5mile run. I downloaded your workout and used it for a couple of weeks. I had been running and PTing hard, but your program took me over the top. The event I was most concerned about the 1.5mile run seemed too easy today! I will continue your program until I get accepted into the academy and beyond. Thanks Again for all you do.
On the SEAL PST: I managed to finish the swim in 7:22 with 92 push-ups, 90 sit-ups, 18 pull-ups and 9:51 in the run. Clearly the one hiccup is my run, but I’m confident that if I get a bit more experience in boots and pants, that time will drop quickly. I can honestly tell you that I would not have come close to those PT scores without this workout series. Before I started the SEAL beginner phase, I was struggling through 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups and a very low, 7 pull-ups. After going through the Beginner, Phase 2 and Phase 3 workouts, my scores (and confidence) have sky rocketed. Now if I can only get used to running in these boots, I may be alright!
First of all I want to thank you for the fitness information you provide for all walks of life. I've been in the Marine Corps coming up on 8 years now and I have found myself in phase 2 at the Basic Reconnaissance Course. I've been trying to get into this community since I was a boot in the fleet and the last couple years I have totally dedicated myself to obtaining the title Recon Marine. I purchased your Recon Prep a while back and I can't preach about it enough. I tell all of my Marines about the program, the design of the program is amazing and by following the program it has allowed me to push myself beyond my old limitations and I now find myself beating the younger Marines in almost all events to include the pool and long rucks (with bad knees) So again thank you! As I mentioned above I'm in phase 2 of BRC which is our Amphib phase down at NAB Coronado.
I know you have a lot of testimonials about your workout routines, well here's one more. I run cross country in high school, which is 3 miles. Last year was my best year at 24:46 minutes, but I'm 6'2'' 175 pounds. I am on day 8 of your 15 day PFT workout, which I have to run 3 miles timed. In just one week and one day, (as i didnt workout at all this summer) I went from 24:46 to 21:30 minutes!!! Thanks a lot man! I'm going to share this workout with my friend, if this improved me this much, he has a great chance of winning state this year, our senior year. After this I'm starting on the phase 1 BUD/S book then the next one and the next one to give me a chance to be a SEAL. Thanks again!
I am a 19D(Cavalry Scout) in the US Army stationed at Fort Bliss(2-1AD, 1-1 Cavalry, Apache Troop). I just scored a 260 on my Army PFT and I thought I was in decent shape, Then a Special Forces recruiter came to our troop looking for volunteers, I loved the sound of it and I decided to go for it. He told me to go to your website and download your book on SF/Ranger prep workout. Today was day 1 and I feel winded for once! I can already tell this will be challenging and if the SF recruiter also speaks highly of your workouts, then they must be good! I just want to extend my complete thanks and Hopefully at the end of week 10, I will crush SF selection. Thank you very much for how much you are giving back to the whole military community with your books! I will definitely be looking at getting more.

About Naval Academy Summer Seminar - Hello, I am an incoming High School Senior. I was recently at the Naval Academy this past week for the Summer Seminar, Session Two, and I greatly enjoyed doing PT with you in the morning. I have been following your website for almost five years now (since I was 13). All of your articles are incredibly useful and relevant, and people like me appreciate the time and effort you put into the articles directed at teenagers. My generation as a collective whole may not have the mental and physical fortitude our parents and grandparents had, but there are a few who possess the drive and motivation to serve our country. All we need is someone to show us the way, and your articles provide the fitness blueprint we seek. Thank you, sir, for your work over the years. You got me started on my obsessive quest for fitness, and I will never ever forget that. I regret that I did not have the opportunity to tell you this in person, but my squad leader hustled us back to our formation immediately after the conclusion of PT. Please continue to write on your website and inspire my generation to reach new heights. And yes. I did every single one of those 301 pushups, all of them off of my knees, at 6'0" and 230 lbs.
Thank you for your great work, I have read every single one of your articles. After two years of doing your workouts I have increased my dead hang pull-ups from 1 to 18, I have improved my pushups, situps, running, swimming, weight lifting maximums as well, but most of all I've gained confidence and never quit attitude and this really helps me in school. I'm pursuing a career as a emergency physician in EMS. You have definitely changed my life. Thank you
Stew, I have been using the 45 day beginner plan and it is working wonders. To date I have lost almost 25 pounds.
Stew - I'm still in the Teams and recently finished up another deployment to Iraq (#4), I just wanted to say hello. Thanks for everything that you do for our police and military and for your dedication to helping people become fit. You have always been an inspiring guy, and you were the primary influence in my decision to become a SEAL long ago. Take care. JJ
Stew - I had purchased from you several months ago and informed you I would be taking part in a Best Warrior Competition for my battalion. Your Ranger program helped me immensely, with my rucking, PT scores, and overall fitness. Though I'm a bit of a bigger guy (5'8", about 200 pounds) my practice PT test last month I almost maxed my run time for the first time ever in my Army career! The push-ups and sit-ups were almost a joke. Sadly, I did not get selected for the Best Warrior Competition which part of it I feel was injuring my right hamstring during my Kyokushin Karate class. I've been unable to run for the past few weeks but just the other day I tested my push-ups and sit-ups after a few weeks of inactivity and still managed to max both. Thanks for everything, you helped me improve far more than I ever thought I could.
Had my FBI PFT yesterday and I passed with flying colors (scored 20pts, where 12 was needed to pass). Over the past few months I had been using your pft routines and implemented your suggested diets on the days preceding the test. I felt great! Drastically improved my sprint times (came in at 45.7 for 300meters) and my 1.5 mile was 10:37 (def could improve there). I also brought the ice water bottles with me and certainly used those yesterday. Thanks again for all your help and for your recent correspondence.
I wanted to give you an update on the below email that I sent to you a while ago. I did the Pullup-push program for a second time and I went from 9-10 pullups to 18-19 pullups. Doing this program again after taking time off from it really does work. Great program!
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for helping me achieve my life’s dream. With your help I was able to finish Navy Dive School. I’m an old guy so this is especially gratifying considering I was training daily with kids in their teens and a little over. You helped me stay motivated and with all the information on techniques to improve your PRT scores I was able to finish. Thank you again for your help. The Navy Dive School is saying I was the oldest to ever complete the training (48).
Some time back I signed up for the online personal training with a view to entering a police SAR unit. Through the workout programs and guidance provided, I was successful in obtaining my goal, so much so, that I have been transferred to a tactical where "you can be used better". I've never sweated, hurt and enjoyed myself all at the same time! Thanks to Stew for getting me in the best shape of my life, and changing the workout and eating habits of not only myself, but that of my family. Cheers
Mr Smith- I would like to thank you for the excellent running plan "Marathon Running Plann" I was suffering from extremely painful shin splints as I was trying to run everyday mostly 1.5 miles but some times 3 miles runs while swimming in the afternoons and when I was in too much pain to run.Thanks to your plan I was able to start getting the miles up and the time down and much less pain (also a good pair of running trainers helped!)
First, I wanted to thank you for the work you do everyday for the modern warrior. In 2006, I decided to change careers after time in the military / civilian life and enter the law enforcement field. I was 29 years old, 5'8", 260 lbs, and unable to complete the State Police PFT. I purchased your PFT Prep Workout and ritualistically followed it 6 days a week for over six months and focused on lower-carb diet plan. When I applied and tested for the State Police in Feb 2007, I received superior marks on all levels, and an excellent in the 1.5 mile run. I entered academy at 31 years old and 185 lbs and excelled though academy. Again, thank you for everything you do for today's modern warrior. Rob
These programs are great for people who want to get in shape and stay that way. I would also highly recommend them for anyone going into sports, as these are great preseason workouts. If you want to join a special ops division in the Air Force, Navy or Army, follow one of Stew's plans, you won't regret it.
I have carried around copies of your workouts from one of your earlier editions of ‘The Complete Guide to Navy Seal Fitness’ for almost ten years now. I used them as a Midshipman and continue to utilize them (especially the pyramids and super sets) as a reservist and businessman today. Though it was never a goal of mine to be a SEAL, the workouts have worked great for me and though the pages are getting a bit tattered at this point, the 12 week program continues to be a staple part of my workouts. Thanks for sharing all the great info, and best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
I am a 38 year old, former Army infantryman - turned lawyer. After leaving the Army, having children, and moving into a fairly non-exciting & sedentary profession, I have recently found a new motivation to get back into some serious shape. I decided to research you and the SEAL workouts in general. Now, I have no delusions of ever becoming cutting edge SEAL fit. However, the SEAL fitness, training and lifestyle have always appealed to me, and I have always admired your community - (I have two SEAL buddies). In short, I just wanted to thank you for the info on your website, as well as your youtube vids. You are truly inspiring, knowledgeable, and motivating. I have even used your motivational words to set of goal of finishing my first sprint tri. Your fitness and low carb diet recommendations were right on for my success. Keep up the good work. Thanks again.
I've never written an email like this so that should tell you something about your site. I'm a former D1 collegiate soccer player. After sustaining a career-ending injury I've watched my muscle tone dwindle through the years until about a year ago at 28 I couldn't run without severe knee pain. I decided to do something about it and ate healthier. Just in the last few months now going on 30, I found your site and started putting your workouts and a low carb diet plan into action. Since August I've lost 24 pounds of solid fat and 3 inches off my waist. With my weight down, my knee has held up and the doctor says I shouldn't need surgery. I still have a long way to go, but I wanted to thank you for your no-nonsense site. Everything focuses on the short cuts these days (which any intelligent person knows is total BS) and you straight up put the truth out there, no gimmicks. No BS. No fees for your "secret" to success. Just a routine and links to more helpful info. I appreciate it. Thanks!
I decided I wanted to join the Army about four months ago. Since then, I've lost 45 pounds with working out and eating right. Your site was one of the major sources of information. I've been having trouble staying on track, lately - I've still got a long way to go. Today I found your story about Father Hoog - and it was just the motivation I needed. Thank you for everything!
I wanted to thank you for your swat workout . I am a 51 year old firefighter /paramedic /peace officer (former Navy)and was trying to become a tactical paramedic . I am presently on my third six weeks of the SWAT candidate workout and have gone from 235 to189 in weight. Your workouts and low carb recommendations did the trick. I could not climb the 28 ft rope on the o course and I just conquered it a week ago. I just made the team and they are sending me to schools for tactical medic and swat in the next 2 months. I'm sure you have plenty great testimonials about your books , but I wanted to give you one more and say that I would recommend it to anyone and everyone! Thanks again
I sent you an email a while back asking if your workout guides were safe for a 16 year old recruit-to-be to use. After your reply I read one of your articles about succeeding by failing. Before taking this new mindset I was only able to do 25-30 press ups, I was not only stuck on a plateau, I was firmly glued to it! And now, after about 2 months of trying to do sets of 100, I am now starting to regularly train on 3-4 sets of 50. I cannot believe the progress I have made, and it’s all down to you. Thanks so much for the great advice.
It is due to your six week USMC OCS / TBS Workout that I have been able to increase my PFT from 195 to 270 in a period of 8 weeks. I am now fully contracted to attend USMC OCS in June 2010.
Thank you STEW!! I have been working on your getting back into shape program a little over a year. I am 5ft. 7 and last year I weighted over 220 lbs., in a size 24 -26 felt horrible, depressed and eating for the sake of eating (all the wrong foods). Today one year and one month later I have lost 60 lbs! I am now in a size 14 -16. I still have about 13 -20 more lbs. to go to reach my health goal, but I feel GREAT!! One of my secrets, when ever I wanted to lose weight, is that I would never tell my self I was on a diet!! I just took out the carbohydrate habit and only ate fruits / veges for carbs.
I am also up to about 3-4 liters of water a day! That to me was my BIGGEST accomplishment!! My arthritis, joints and my over all health problems including my acne has gotten better!! At my last doctors appointment, my dr asked me what happened to me over the past year. We were looking over my health records (weight charts) over the past year, I told him about your website. He went to the programs that you have and the one that I have been on, he said that he was going to recommend your site to others that need motivation and implement some of your ideas in their health plains!!
Thanks for all your help!! I have changed my motto in life!! I am strong I am determined I will succeed!!
You have really helped me out, and I refer a lot of my customers at work to you!! One of my co workers has lost about 10 lbs, just by drinking water for a little over a month!!
Hey, Stew. I just wanted to write and say thanks for posting all of the many many articles that you have relating to military PT. I've been reading your articles for about six years now and even emailed you a few times (I was shocked when you actually emailed me back!), it's nice to see that you're still plugging away at it. You've provided some valuable guidance for me in the PT aspect of my Special Forces prep. I'm pumped b/c after these six years that I've been preparing I'm finally getting down to the application process.
I also youtubed some National Geographic Channel video of how Special Ops guys defy logic and science in physiological performance. I was glad to see you on it. I gotta say, I was pretty pumped to see how hardcore and competitive you were in dealing with that cold and knocking out a stellar time on the course. Your mental toughness is extremely motivating.
Hey Stew - with your brand new 10 Day Water Challenge I lost 12 pounds in the first 7 days and it was not from sweating!!! Man I had no idea how bloated I was - I feel great now too!!!
I used your 45 day plan to build a routine that I enjoy and look forward to every other day, and I'm generally happier now. Once I've completed that plan I'm going to pick up one of your more advanced e-books and see what other goals I can set and achieve.
I don't think I can thank you enough for answering my previous email and being as helpful as you have been to me and likely to so many others. There are many people who say they will be there for customers but don't ever come through, but you always seem ready to help others.
If it's worth mentioning - out of all the research I have done on firefighter fitness and of all the websites, publications, and information out there for firefighters, I have found and you and your partners articles to be the most helpful.
I wanted to thank you for the workout you gave me. - Drop Mile Pace - Im not lying when i say this but it only took me one week to drop my time. This past meet i had for track i dropped 10sec off my time setting a new pr time. my normal time is 5:30 i ran a 5:20:0 mile. Thank you so much it really helped me.