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Stew Smith Fitness News — preparation

Getting Better at Runs and Swims (PST related)

Stew Smith BUDS navy seal preparation pst pst stew smith swimming

Getting Better at Runs and Swims (PST related)

          If you are coming from a strength and power background or new to training, you may find the speed and endurance requirements challenging if you want to get good enough scores to ace the PST.  Typically, good goals to have for the 500yd CSS swim is between 8-8:30 and a 1.5 mile run at the end of the PST should be in the low 9 minute zone or sub 9 minutes.  Those scores will help you get TO the training as long as  your PT scores are also above average. Here is what I have my...

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Ask Stew: If You Could Give Advice For Your Younger Self

BOLD APS advice buds preparation

Ask Stew: If You Could Give Advice For Your Younger Self

Looking back 15, 20, even 30 years ago for some of us is not an uncommon activity.  Thinking “had I known then what I know now” or “if only I would have done this” what would I have become. But a fairly common question young students will ask their instructors, mentors, and teachers is “what advice would you give 21 year old yourself as you prepared for your next challenge?” Here is a question recently asked that I thought was a fun mental challenge and journey through time: Stew, My goal is to get to and through BUD/S and serve...

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