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Stew Smith Fitness News — pst stew smith

Warrior Workout Vol 2: 100 Workout Ideas for the Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization System

Stew Smith army sf core workouts mental toughness military fitness mobility navy navy seal new book pst pst stew smith pullups recovery special ops special ops training swimming tactical athletes tactical strength

Warrior Workout Vol 2:  100 Workout Ideas for the Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization System

Need ideas for Stew Smith's Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization System) - this book has 100 ideas for you to add to your current training / programming.  This is ideal for those who like to make their own workouts, don't feel like following a multi-week schedule.  Warrior Workouts, Volume 2 features over 100 all-new workouts designed to simulate the year-long periodized training of Navy SEALs and special forces elite. Learn how to use periodization for any tactical profession to improve performance as well as create longevity in a physically challenging profession.Combining a wide range of exercise information with tailored progression plans from legendary fitness...

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Getting Better and Runs and Swims (PST related)

Stew Smith BUDS navy seal preparation pst pst stew smith swimming

Getting Better and Runs and Swims (PST related)

          If you are coming from a strength and power background or new to training, you may find the speed and endurance requirements challenging if you want to get good enough scores to ace the PST.  Typically, good goals to have for the 500yd CSS swim is between 8-8:30 and a 1.5 mile run at the end of the PST should be in the low 9 minute zone or sub 9 minutes.  Those scores will help you get TO the training as long as  your PT scores are also above average. Here is what I have my...

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How To Crush the PST! Try the Classic PST Week - Video Referenced Material FREE

stew smith core workouts military navy seal periodization pst pst stew smith pt test pullups pushups special ops workouts

How To Crush the PST!  Try the Classic PST Week - Video Referenced Material FREE

Classic PST Week for Navy SEAL, SWCC, EOD, Diver, Air Rescue Swimmer   Here are the charts I discussed in the following video:  Here is the testing week with Double PST:  More about the PST and Beyond Learn how to put it all together - PST CLINIC - Getting TO the TRAINING: MORE PST HELP:  Create a PST Strategy How Bad Do YOu Need a Better PST Score?  Remember - the PST will only guarantee you get TO the Training....Getting THROUGH BUD/S requires much more: See what is "good enough" - PST Type Scores for Spec Ops Training: Now how about your...

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