Stew Smith Fitness News
Heroes of Tomorrow Training Programs at
Stew smith
Heroes of Tomorrow Training Programs (Information / Location / Updated Year Round Schedule - Scroll Down) FREE WORKOUTS!!!! The Heroes of Tomorrow program was developed by former Navy SEAL Stew Smith CSCS / fitness author. We can help prepare you for ANY profession that requires a Physical Fitness Test and YOU pay nothing for the training! Warning - it is rather advanced but we can scale it back a bit, teach running and swimming techniques, and help you build up to your goal level of fitness. These Free Workouts are for men and women preparing for military, police, fire fighter professions (active duty or...
Is Your Run Always Worse After Pushups, Pullups, Situps Events of the PT Tests? Learn How to Transition!
Stew smith
Is Your Run Always Worse After Pushups, Pullups, Situps Events of the PT Tests? Learn How to Transition! This common event occurs during PT Tests - especially if running is after other strength/muscle stamina events. How many have you had a poor running event after pushing yourself on the calisthenics portions of the test? This will also apply to the new Army Combat Fitness Test after the new strength events of the ACFT; the 2-mile run at the end will require the same strategy. Learn HOW to Take Tests Better As with any test, you must learn to take tests to...
Air Force Special Warfare IFT Test Clinic - Crush the IFT By Creating a Strategy for Success
Stew smith
Crush the AFSW IFT- Learn HOW to Build a Strategy to Optimal Performance IFT / OFT (and more) Prep This article informs you of changes to many of the fitness tests, but also to help you create a strategy to crushing them - specifically the new Air Force Special Warfare Initial Fitness Test (IFT). Several years ago, I created the Navy PST Clinic which breaks down the PST into more than 20 assessment points for only five events (swim, pushups, situps, pullups, run). This is a specific answer to breaking down the NEW Air Force PAST for Air Force Special...
Getting Better at Runs and Swims (PST related)
BUDS navy seal preparation pst pst stew smith swimming
Stew SmithIf you are coming from a strength and power background or new to training, you may find the speed and endurance requirements challenging if you want to get good enough scores to ace the PST. Typically, good goals to have for the 500yd CSS swim is between 8-8:30 and a 1.5 mile run at the end of the PST should be in the low 9 minute zone or sub 9 minutes. Those scores will help you get TO the training as long as your PT scores are also above average. Here is what I have my...
Check Out These Options at Stew Smith Fitness
Stew smith
There is More to Than You May Know Quick Summary: You can always email Stew Smith if you have questions ( FREE Fitness / Mindset Articles and Workouts - Latest info on training for any goal! (over 1000) eBooks, Books and eBooks in PRINT (over 40 options) Spec Ops Swim Critiques on social media - YouTube, TikTok, Instagram Live QA / CSS Critiques Mon / Tues 9am (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram) Podcasts (over 200) Stew Smith Fitness APPs - Triad version, Pushup Push APP, Pullup Push APP, FBI workout APP FREE Navy SEAL Exercises Apps - iPhone, Android Membership Site - Get access to 100s of week of training programs and unpublished workouts we...