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Home Gym

Training Options with Minimal Equipment and For ALL Levels of Fitness

With any purchase of a book / ebook, get a FREE video critique of you swimming or doing another exercise...

Avoid sharing gym machines with sweaty people or going to a crowded gym.

Are you worried about getting out of shape when gyms are closed?

How about when gyms re-open? Will you be going back? 

Do you need ideas to train at home with minimal equipment?

Check out the series of books / ebooks and discover Training Options at Home with Minimal Equipment and For ALL Levels of Fitness.  These different programs give you the exact steps to get to train without leaving home and more importantly improve overall fitness.  Mainly you will use calisthenics, but adding dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, and running with non-impact cardio options completes these types of workouts.  

You will find something for every fitness level in the programs below, but all of these workouts have fairly limited equipment required to do challenging workouts.

If you see a cardio option you do not need to do (swim / rucking) or do not have a bike or elliptical, that is fine, skip and replace with another cardio activity from walking to jogging or jumping rope to running stairs. Time to get creative with your training if you want to stay in shape like you used to.

Make sure the level of ability matches your own or alter to fit your ability as needed / desired. If you need a more personalized approach, check out the online coaching section..