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The Service Academy Workout - Candidate Fitness Assessment Training Program


The Service Academy Workout - Military Officer Fitness - Candidate Fitness Assessment Training Program - Crush the CFA!

FREE - Check out the new CFA Calculator to see if you are scoring in the competitive range! 

Do you want to get selected into military officer programs like the United States Service Academies and serve your country as a military officer? 

Have you experienced failure to receive the results you need to be competitive?

Failing to train specifically for this test can make you apprehensive about even applying, but what if I told you all it takes is a few months of training and you can be competitive which can be helpful in getting accepted into a Service Academy?

The good news is, you're not alone!  In fact, did you know there have been a few changes in military fitness testing and it has been confusing to many recruits and officer candidates alike?

It's true. And to be honest, what's holding you back is making time to train to see the results you need. One day your life, your buddy's life, or someone needing your help to save their life will depend on your fitness level. Training physically is THAT important. You have to make time to do it right as your time is precious these days with your busy schedule. 

So, the real issue here is not knowing how to train properly for military fitness tests.  How could you? You are focused on your high school athletics right now.  Military training is not the same. There is a difference between an athlete and a tactical athlete. This is nothing to do with your will power, your intelligence, or your lack of ability.

And the even better news is that the Military Officer Fitness - Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout is proven to help you succeed in not only the testing preparation, but also for the PFT and Plebe Summer training as well during your first few months of becoming a cadet or midshipman.

And with this new process, it's easy to get better results. If you're a service academy candidate who needs to pass a PT test and who wants to serve your country as a military officer, check out this the Service Academy Workout – Military Officer Fitness Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout book or ebook as it is updated with the latest PT test changes. 

Claim your copy right now!


What is the Candidate Fitness Assessment?

Here is where some of the confusion comes from:  The Candidate Fitness Assessment remains unchanged, but the Naval Academy and West Point has made changes to their fitness tests they take every semester once you are selected and attending the Academies. If you are looking at applying to the Service Academies - make sure you can ace the CFA - Candidate Fitness Assessment which consists of:

Kneeling Basketball Throw
Pushups 2 minutes
Situps 2 minutes
Pullups max reps
120 ft. Shuttle Run
1 mile timed run

The CFA get you TO the Academy...The PFT or CFT gets you THROUGH the Academy's Physical Mission. You still have military training and academics to deal with each year. 

BUT depending on what service academy you get accepted to, you will then have to start your preparation for the fitness test done every semester at the Academy.  The Naval Academy and Military Academy have both changed their fitness tests done during the school year.  For instance:

As a Midshipmen, you will take the Naval Academy Physical Fitness Assessment.  It once consisted of pushups 2 min, crunches 2 min, and 1.5 mile timed run.  Now, the new fitness test in 2020 is cadence pushups 2 min (max is 60 reps on a 2 second per up/down cadence), plank pose 2-4 minutes, and 1.5 mile run.

West Point Physical Fitness Test used to be pushups 2 min, situps 2 min, and 2 mile timed run.  Now, Army Combat Fitness Test is replacing the Army Physical Fitness Test with the following events:

Army Combat Fitness Test (2020)

Trap Bar Dead Lift

Hand Release “T” Pushups

Leg Tuck

Standing Power Throw

250-meter Sprint/Drag/Carry

2 mile timed run

The Service Academy Candidate Fitness Assessment HAS NOT CHANGED

If you've ever wondered "Can getting better at the CFA help my application?" The answer is yes. The Service Academy Workout – Military Officer Fitness Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout book or ebook created by Naval Academy Graduate Stew Smith - Former Navy SEAL - has the answers every service academy candidate needs to know about training as well as harder programs for Special Ops candidates and Marines.  Click Here Now for more:

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