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Stew Smith Fitness News — special ops

20-30 Minute Workouts

stew smith core workouts military fitness motivation pullups pushups special ops stew smith weight loss weight training

The other day, I was emailed the following question: I only have about 20-30 minutes a day to exercise. What can I do in that amount of time? Not wanting to limit the answer to - just a few pushups and situps - I set out to prove how much you could do in such a little amount of time. My goal is to prove that you do not need several hours to maintain a fitness program - just minutes a day. Though the transition time may add to the total time invested in your workout, here is a list...

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Meet Stew Smith

stew smith business mental toughness military fitness motivation online coaching personal training special ops special ops training stew smith trx weight loss weight training

Stew Smith is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former Navy SEAL Lieutenant, and author of several fitness and self defense books such asThe Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, Maximum Fitness, The Special Ops Workouts, and SWAT Fitness. Certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and as military fitness trainer, Stew has trained thousands of students for Navy SEAL, Special Forces, SWAT, FBI, ERT and many other law enforcement professions. Stew has written more than 400 articles and 40 eBooks sold at both and  He is a consultant and...

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TRX Workout: How to Replace a Weight System with Device

stew smith core workouts fire fighter military military fitness personal training special ops special ops training stew smith swat trx weight loss

Stew's Top Ten TRX Exercises Video(click) An email from a Fire Fighter instructor looking for advice on creating a fitness maintenance plan and fitness building program for his major city fire fighters prompted an answer that was diverse in its ability yet cost effective.  He writes, “I think your recent publications of Fire Fighter Workout and Public Safety Diver training cross over very well. The problem on our job is the level of fitness varies dramatically from 22 year old probationary fire fighters just out of the military to 60+ year old guys that don’t exercise and are in terrible...

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From Body Builder to Special Ops Fit

stew smith mental toughness military motivation navy seal personal training special ops special ops training stew smith weight training

Like many people who are into fitness and exercising, you were likely to have started due to either improving your body image or athletics, OR a combination of both.  My personal story was a combination of both.  I started lifting weights at 13 years of age and mainly cut my teeth on the widely popular Joe Weider weight lifting books mixed with a healthy dose of calisthenics.  Calisthenics has been a constant in my life ever since being introduced to them back in grade school.  YES - Back when you had Physical Education everyday in school, that President's Fitness Test...

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Top Ten List of Mental Toughness

stew smith army sf business mental toughenss motivation navy seal special ops

After this article, a friend of mine asked about what I thought the Top Ten List of traits for mental toughness would be.  After some thought and discussions with some successful, mentally tough people, we came up with this. Mental Toughness – How do we obtain it?  Make it stronger?  Many young people ask these questions of me each day and I wish it was a simple answer.  I wish you could be mentally tough by figuring out a magic solution of phrases or training programs.  But it is not that simple.  Being mentally tough requires you to keep competing...

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