1. How many times have you worked out in the last 30 days:
None (weighted value of 1)
3 times (weighted value of 2)
10 times (weighted value of 3)
More than 15 times (weighted value of 4)
2. If you were to take a 1 minute Pushup Test today, how many would you get?
None (weighted value of 1)
10-20 (weighted value of 2)
30-50 times (weighted value of 3)
More than 51-60+ (weighted value of 4)
3. If you were to take a 1 minute Situp test today, how many would you get?
None (weighted value of 1)
20-30 (weighted value of 2)
31-60 times (weighted value of 3)
greater than 61 (weighted value of 4)
4. If you were to run 2 miles, how fast could you get it done?
Run or walk? (weighted value of 1)
under 20 minutes (weighted value of 2)
under 16 minutes (weighted value of 3)
under 14 minutes (weighted value of 4)
5. See Army PFT Calculator for real scores that include age brackets / male / female:
http://army.pftcalculator.com/ - Max score is 300
1. Under 100 (weighted value of 1)
2. 101-150 (weighted value of 2)
3. 151- 200 (weighted value of 3)
4. 201-300 (weighted value of 4)
6. Can you do pull-ups?
By myself? (weighted value of 1)
5 good ones (weighted value of 2)
6-10 reps easy (weighted value of 3)
10+ pull-ups – no problem (weighted value of 4)
How many hours do you sleep each 24 hours?
less than 4 hours (weighted value of 1)
5 hours on average (weighted value of 2)
6 hours on average (weighted value of 3)
7 hours on average (weighted value of 4)
How much water do you drink?
Just coffee for me (weighted value of 0)
Up to 2 qts a day (weighted value of 2)
3 qts a day (weighted value of 3)
4 qts a day (weighted value of 4)
Which meals do you currently eat per day?
Breakfast Mid AM Snack Lunch
Mid afternoon snack Dinner Evening snack
Less than 2 meals (weighted value of 1)
3 meals a day (weighted value of 2)
4 meals a day (weighted value of 3)
5-6 meals a day (weighted value of 4)
Would you consider yourself fit?
Fit? No way – I need help! (weighted value of 1)
OK – Could be more consistent. (weighted value of 2)
Yes I meet all fitness standards (weighted value of 3)
Yes I max out all fitness standards (weighted value of 4)
Score of 35-40 = Super Fit
Score of 34-25 = Pretty Darn Close to Fit
Score of 15-24 = Need Help – Cannot see my shoes anymore!
Score less than 14 = Hi my name is _______ and I am a couch potato.