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Stew Smith Fitness News

Importance of Breathing

stew smith

Breathing – We have been doing it everyday of our lives, so we should be good at it right? From athletic performance, shooting, and relaxing, we all have had to control our breathing in some fashion. But did you know that you can speed up and slow down your central nervous system by learning some breathing techniques? Did you know you can fail a running test one day and by learning to breathe properly you can pass it the next day?I never really thought about how important breathing is until I compared it with two other things we need to...

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Holiday Weight Gain

stew smith

A recent study by National Institute of Health shows that most Americans only gain 2 pounds at the most during the six-week period between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. The problem is that most of us do not lose that extra pound or two in the year that follows. The added stress of holiday travel, shopping, end of school year projects, and other factors can also cause weight gain. However, the medical researchers concluded that the two main factors that influence weight gain are hunger and activity level.So what can you do to help yourself maintain or even lose weight...

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Getting Started With Fitness and Health

stew smith

During your New Year's quest for longevity, try not to change too much in your life too quickly. Many people, in their annual search for health make broad resolutions that require several different life style changes. Quitting smoking, starting an exercise program and dieting all in the same week can be extremely challenging. Tackling any ONE of the above is challenging enough. If you have any of the above vices or others, you may want to try one step at a time rather than trying "cold turkey - and all at once!" Here is a plan that will get you...

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Getting Started Again with Fitness

stew smith

Mr Smith,I am 46 year old. In my 20's and 30's I worked out at the gym faithfully. But, somewhere along the way I stopped going to the gym. Now I am not overweight. But, not comfortable with the weight that I have gained. The metabolism has slowed down. So my question to you is at this stage of the game what really will work?Oh yes -- the transition from having not exercised in 10+ years to getting started. Where do you begin? First of all -- do not start off where you left off 10-20 years ago. Common sense...

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Food Planning Help

stew smith

This week, I received an email from a former naval officer, who needed to get back moving again. The good news is that he started just before Thanksgiving, which will help him avoid a few extra pounds we gain at parties, imbibing spirits, big sports weekend snacks, Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts, and several other big meals during the Holidays. It all adds up to our caloric intake. The “former pilot - now desk jockey” writes:I started working out using your 45 Day Plan for Beginners last week and already am feeling better than I have in a decade. Of course,...

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