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Common Question - I Am Giving Myself a Year to Prepare - What is my first step?

Stew Smith

Common Question - Where to Start with Training?

Often people email me and for what direction to take in order to prepare.  There are many ways to prepare for military service and special ops preparation, I have A way that works for many - I don't have THE way.  Truth is THE way is the one that works for you and is part physical fitness preparation, mental toughness development, as well as personal will and discipline.  Your athletic history, strengths and weaknesses have to be addressed first and foremost and then a program can be arranged properly.  Here is the question:

Common Question - I am giving myself a year to prepare for BUD/S, should I do personal training, online coaching, or prep books / ebooks? Will any of these help me this next year?

Coaching is not necessary - more of a want to personalize the programming than anything else, but there is a accountability component that may help you get started to build some discipline and consistency in training.

My advice for anyone who asks this question is this: 

First assess yourself and read this: Assessment Tool for Selection Prep

Where does your fitness compare to most guys who succeed at BUDS / other spec ops programs?  Find your weaknesses - focus on them.  This may take more time (than your arbitrary timeline) building any weaknesses and even take your current strengths to spec ops levels.

Don't Set a Timeline - Set a Performance Starting Line: Read as this timeline differs for everyone to truly be prepared. Over 50% of the people who attend these programs are grossly under-prepared physically which will quickly downgrade your mental confidence in your decision to be there. 

There are programs in the above links that will save a lot of money from coaching and to be honest help test self motivation.

Do Your Research on the Process to Join the Military  - This will keep you busy.

I do have a Member's Program that receives NEW UNPUBLISHED workouts each week as well as access to over 2 years of weekly workouts for MEMBERS ONLY. These are not personalized programs but contain both advanced spec ops levels and a beginner / intermediate program each week for as long as you are in the program. Check out the StewSmith Fitness Club (Member's Only Content and Services)  for more information

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