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Fitness Over 40 and 50+ Answers to Your Concerns (One Step at a Time)

Stew smith

Rebuild Yourself and Learn How to Move Again

Do you want to get back into the habit of fitness for health and performance learn how to move with less pain, lose weight, build muscle, and look and feel better? I know these are my primary goals as I age well into my sixth decade on this planet. 

Getting started can be tough especially if all you know is what you used to do when you were in your teens and twenties. Have you experienced failure with lack of consistency and building good habits like you had 20 years ago? You may be worried about getting hurt, wasting time and money, and making things worse than they are now. But, you can rebuild if you follow the first rule of getting started: "Treat Yourself Like a Beginner."

Well, here's some good news for a change...

First, you're not alone! Second, statistically speaking, it was an injury or illness that caused this reversal of your fitness and health. But, for many of us, life just got in the way with being consistent as we stressed about work, balanced the family challenges, and juggled other commitments that caused you to drop your fitness. Next thing you know, a subtle five pound weight gain per year was soon over 50lbs as decades roll past us. 

It's true. In fact, what might be holding you back is thinking you are not in shape enough to start working out like you used to do. That may be true, but you have to give yourself a break and treat yourself like a beginner, start off slowly, but steadily.  The next thing you know you have replaced a bad habit (skipping workouts) with a good habit of consistently setting a time to exercise each day.

Replacing a piece of your current day with productive activity is the challenge. The good news is you can do them together and see the results you want even after 50 years old. And the even better news is that the workouts in the program below are designed to build you back up slowly. Even if the workouts are "too easy" for you the goal of the first most important phase is to NOT put you in the hurt locker. Your new goal is about building habits to just get moving again and make a time slot into your schedule showing you that you can actually fit fitness into your day quite easily.

Here's the key to getting around this problem. If you really want to to move with less pain, lose weight, build muscle, and look and feel better, check out the article with New Rules for Fitness Over 40 (and 50) article that can help you ease your concerns about pushng too hard, doing too much, too soon, and too quickly. 

 Who is Stew Smith? Coach, Trainer, Author, PodcasterI'm the former Navy SEAL that special ops candidates go to for books, ebooks and online coaching to prepare themselves to get to and through intense tactical assessment and selection programs and qualify for service in their chosen tactical profession. I am also in my mid50s and understand the changes we all go through that challenges our fitness levels.  See More at

But if you are ready to make the change, check out the four part series (52 weeks of training) below:

Buy all four and save!!

Or Buy one phase at a time and rebuild over the next 52 Weeks...

Tactical Fitness (40+) Foundation Rebuilding (Part 1) - Recovery from Injury or Inactivity (Part 1). This new beginner plan forces you to "treat yourself like a beginner." Even if you do not feel like it, giving yourself a few weeks to easily work your way back into the weight room or any fitness program will pay off and help you rebuild after a long period of inactivity. (12 weeks) (book / eBook)

Tactical Fitness (40+) - Taking It To The Next Level (Part 2) - Are you ready to advance your fitness level? Well, Taking It To The Next Level after Rebuilding the Foundation (Part 1) is what this 12 week program is all about. Are you Ready to Advance Your Fitness? Progressing into more of an intermediate program with this book will be a steady increase of activity to include running (every other day), adding weights to calisthenics, and other non-impact cardio options. (12 weeks)  (book ebook)

Tactical Fitness (40+) - Ready to Compete - (Part 3) (Intermediate / Advanced levels) – After you have progressed through the previous phases, you may be ready for something new. Maybe a new challenge or “up your game” to a level that pushes you physically, but also focuses on stress relief and recovery after tough workouts. This program is a great prep for any of the Tactical Fitness, Tactical Strength or Tactical Fitness for the Athlete Over 40 advanced level programs. (12 weeks) (book ebook)

Tactical Fitness For The Athlete Over 40  (part 4) Actively Pursuing Recovery and Maintenance - This is part 4 of the above series that is rather advanced but still focused on adding in an easy day and / or mobility day to the week as a way to recover in the middle of the week. This will enable for a better workout number 4,5, or 6 as the week moves into the weekend. Running every OTHER day with non-impact cardio will reduce stress on the knees. Use of non-impact cardio and swimming pool for mobility is helpful as well. (16 weeks) (book ebook)

Related Articles:

The Key to Longevity is the Mastery of Recovery

Recovery Recommendations - Take These Seriously

Don't Skip Mobility Day!

Personalized Training Programs - Personalized online coaching available too - any fitness level. In fact, most people on the PT CLUB program are over 40 with specific health and fitness goals. 

Questions?  Just email me at

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  • Keith on

    Section One: A Conversation About Rebuilding Tactical Fitness, Recovery from Illness and Injury, and Longevity – Thank you.

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