1BOOK-mil: USMC OCS and TBS Workout (updated 2023)
Crush the USMC PFT / CFT and more...
Lead By Example! Are you worried about meeting the USMC standards at OCS or keeping up with the pack at TBS? Go to USMC OCS in the shape of your life with this program to help ace the standard USMC Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Pullups, plank, and running are featured in this program accompanied with weights as optional training tools as well. Get yourself ready for PFT, CFT, ruck marches, obstacles courses, and other events with this tough PT program.
Now with 12 weeks of training!
Comments from current USMC Officer:
"It is due to your six week USMC OCS / TBS Workout that I have been able to increase my PFT from 195 to 270 in a period of 8 weeks. I got fully contracted to attend USMC OCS in June 2010."
Testimonial from newly commissioned USMC Officer:
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the great USMC OCS/TBS workout program. A friend and I started using your program to prepare for the Seniors course at OCS. We pretty much used your program right up until we shipped off, increasing weights/speeds each time we started the program over. Your program was so helpful that we actually graduated OCS thinking that the PT was too easy!!"
"You do an outstanding job, Sir, and we look forward to continuing to train with your program, as well as continue to shop with you, as we prepare for TBS next year."
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