1BOOK-so: Navy SWCC Workout
Navy Special Warfare Combatant Crewman (SWCC) training is a tough course of instruction that requires several months of rigorous training prior to attending, if you want to graduate. This is a proven program with many SWCC graduates as proof of the program. Ace the SWCC PST and prepare for the SWCC Course.
In 22 weeks, SWCC students will endure SWCC Indoc (2 weeks), Basic Crewman Training (8 weeks), SOF selection and screening / Basic Crewman Skills Crewman Qualification Training / Advanced Crewman skills (12 weeks)
Once stationed at the Special Boat Unit (SBU), the SWCC student will receive advanced training and operate in direct support of Navy SEAL missions as boat drivers, medic assistants, navigators, communications links, and direct suppression fire from the arsenal of weapons on these vessels. The SWCC operators are a vital link to our special operations communities.
Stew Smith's proven programs work for people who do the workouts. Get access to Stew Smith when you buy his eBooks. This is customer service you cannot put a price on. Just email Stew at stew@stewsmith.com for answers to your questions about fitness and military training.
This is a BOOK and will be mailed.
If you prefer to download immediately see link for the SWCC Workout EBOOK.