EBOOK-mil: Army Airborne School Workout
Boost your Army career by mastering the Army Airborne Training
New and improved workout in EBOOK format - updated Nov 2013.
Prepare for BAC with this six week program.
"Beat your boots" and get ready to do a PLF! If you are going to Army Airborne School in Fort Benning GA try this six week plan to help you ace the APFT, flexed arm hang and the daily PT and runs at AIRBORNE!!
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at stew@stewsmith.com.
Train for many of the United States Army Schools with the Army downloadable eBook Series and gain access to your online personal trainer - former Navy SEAL / fitness author - Stew Smith. Email Stew if you have any questions about the program. Stew Smith is considered as the "Personal Trainer to the Heroes of Tomorrow" and is dedicated to helping you reach your goals of serving our nation in any capacity you may choose.