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Stew Smith Fitness News — special ops training

Favorite Spec Ops Workouts for an ENTIRE Week

stew smith army sf BUDS combat swimmer stroke crossfit navy seal pft pst pullups pushups shoulder special ops special ops training stew smith swat

Stew - I noticed you have been posting your favorite workouts of the week on, so if you had a full week of your favorites what would it look like?  SteveGreat question - I decided to make a week of my favorites or "fall back" workouts to set up this week for the Spec Ops Workout of the Week.  They are tough full body workouts with a few two-a-days, followed by a good cardio workout of run, swim, or ruck with some non impact tabata intervals / pyramids thrown in too.  See a full week of my favorite workouts!!Day...

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Navy SEAL PST Clinic: Build a Strategy To Ace the Test for BUD/S, SWCC, EOD, Diver, SAR Swimmer

Stew Smith combat swimmer stroke military fitness navy seal pft pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith

Navy SEAL PST Clinic:  Build a Strategy To Ace the Test for BUD/S, SWCC, EOD, Diver, SAR Swimmer

The Navy SEAL, SWCC, EOD, and SAR Swimmer Fitness Test is one of the toughest pre-candidate assessments in the military.  Train hard to ace it long before you see the recruiter.

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Weakness at BUDS

stew smith combat swimmer stroke mental toughness motivation navy seal pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith

This week I received similar emails from two young men who aspire to become SEALs one day. They both are athletic and involved with sports and asked the following question: The High School Question "I'm very uncertain about whether to do winter track or swimming and diving... Have there been BUD/S graduates from USNA who have learned how to swim AFTER they came to the Academy? I'm really not sure what to do and the deadline for sign-up is approaching. Please answer me ASAP! Thanks." The College Question "I am trying for an OCS BUDS billet after I graduate college....

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Underwater Swimming

stew smith combat swimmer stroke special ops special ops training swimming underwater swimming

Often I get great ideas from readers who are training to become Special Operators. Many times it is difficult to find a place to swim or with someone competent enough to watch you while you do underwater swims. My rule has always been – NEVER SWIM ALONE – PERIOD. And do not try to push 50m underwater or drown-proofing without trained personnel observing for safety. However, I received a great idea the other day from Jason – check it out.Stew - Reading about underwater swims and how the Naval Special Warfare Command discourages the practice without proper supervision has caused...

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Spec War Draft

stew smith combat swimmer stroke mental toughness navy seal pst special ops special ops training stew smith

A new system used by Naval Special Warfare has been helping to screen recruits before they get to SEAL or SWCC training. It is called the Spec War Draft. Please do not get this confused with Vietnam era draft. It is more like the NFL draft process and the PST is now considered the Spec War version of the combine. But yes you have to compete to get to go to BUD/S or SWCC - no more minimum standards will get you to SEAL / SWCC training. See email from a young man confused by the terms being used:"About the...

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