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Stew Smith Fitness News — pst

How to Get to BUDS - All Options (plus updates)

Stew Smith BUDS combat swimmer stroke mental toughenss military fitness pst pullups pushups special ops special ops training stew smith

How to Get to BUDS - All Options (plus updates)

All roads to becoming a Navy SEAL, end at BUD/S - Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL Training. There are many routes to get to sunny Coronado, California where BUD/S is located, but the only way to become a Navy SEAL is you have to finish BUD/S first. You have to get TO BUDS in order to get THROUGH BUDS - learn the difference.  Below are the several options SEAL wanna-be's struggle with and definitely should know before signing any paperwork with the Navy:First Option - Join the Navy by Enlisting...This is the route that will give you the best chance...

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Struggling Recruit? Discover Crush Everything

Stew smith BUDs prep goal setting pst seasonal periodization spec ops pipeline

Struggling Recruit? Discover Crush Everything

Are Your Struggles Really Road Blocks or Internal Problems?  We all have faced unforeseen challenges when on a journey to achieve a goal. You being able to quickly adapt and handle that situation will be a life skill that you rely on the most in your future no matter what you do in life. The question is however, are these challenges you are facing caused by your failure to do research, failure to have contingency plans, and/or lack of preparation? If so, then these "roadblocks" are not an institutional process to see that you fail, it is an internal problem...

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PST Clinic Self Assessment Chart


PST Clinic Self Assessment Chart

The following is a self assessment chart to REALLY assess your Navy Physical Screening Test (PST).  You break up any test in this fashion especially ones that require you to build up the conditioning to handle a sustained pace to reach your goal.  For instance, in the chart the below, I have a goal of a yard per second in the 500yd swim - which is an 8:20. It requires a 50 seconds per 50 yard pace.  See related article on Getting Faster in the CSS.  Swim 500yards / meters with recommended pace to be competitive 50yd or 50 m...

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CSS Help: The Sequence - Pull - Breathe - Kick - Glide (1 Mississippi - 2 Mississippi) Repeat...

Stew smith css pst spec ops swim

CSS Help: The Sequence - Pull - Breathe - Kick - Glide (1 Mississippi - 2 Mississippi) Repeat...

CSS Help: The Sequence "Pull - Breathe - Kick - Glide(1 Mississippi - 2 Mississippi - Pull) Repeat..." If you have ever watched my Instagram or Youtube CSS Critique videos and now TikTok CSS Videos, you may have heard me use this sequence of events that must occur in order to have an effective and efficient combat swimmer stroke.  This quote is nothing fancy, just what I say everyday when I teach someone new the Combat Swimmer Stroke. Once you master this sequence, we can then focus on building and maintaining the momentum from kicking off the wall using another common phrase: ...

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New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block Periodization

Stew smith cycles periodization pst strength

New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block Periodization

New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block PeriodizationIncrease Strength & Crush the PST / PAST3 Weeks Strength - 1 Week PT / Cardio Focus (16 weeks) Typically, the Fall / Winter lift cycle is a reduced number of calisthenics, added weight lifting, weight vests, and other devices to make calisthenics harder combined with reduced running distance each week.  This has had a recovery and therapeutic effect on our training group's joints, feet, shins, and other areas where high miles and high repetitions can show over-use pain. That is one reason why we shift cycles.  The main reason is that...

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