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Stew Smith Fitness News — periodization

It Depends: An Answer Often Given When More Info is Needed

Stew smith 1.5 mile timed run 3 mile timed run 4 mile timed runs air force pj army ranger army sf army special forces BUDs prep calisthenics combat swimmer stroke crush the pt test load bearing marine raider military career periodization pt tests pullups pushups

It Depends:  An Answer Often Given When More Info is Needed

What Your Question About How to Prepare Actually Depends Upon...    You may have read or heard my reply to others (or yourself) when you ask a question such as, "How should I start training for ___________?" My answer really depends on SO MANY factors that answering this question by email, text, or even in person does not give it justice. There are a few things you need to realize when you start the journey to prepare for any job that requires elevated levels of fitness such as any of the Special Ops programs in our military as well as...

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New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block Periodization

Stew smith cycles periodization pst strength

New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block Periodization

New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block PeriodizationIncrease Strength & Crush the PST / PAST3 Weeks Strength - 1 Week PT / Cardio Focus (16 weeks) Typically, the Fall / Winter lift cycle is a reduced number of calisthenics, added weight lifting, weight vests, and other devices to make calisthenics harder combined with reduced running distance each week.  This has had a recovery and therapeutic effect on our training group's joints, feet, shins, and other areas where high miles and high repetitions can show over-use pain. That is one reason why we shift cycles.  The main reason is that...

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Tactical Fitness Periodization Programs from Stew Smith Fitness

Stew Smith boats on heads BUDS combat swimmer stroke css endurance load bearing log pt navy navy seal navy seal fitness periodization running strength swimming tactical fitness

Tactical Fitness Periodization Programs from Stew Smith Fitness

How do you get good at all the elements of fitness - PERIODIZATION.  in this case, a tactical fitness version of periodization.  Programs That Are Cycles of Periodization What elements of fitness do you need to focus on to have the ability to get TO and THROUGH Training and stay operational?  ALL OF THEM.  Getting good at all the elements of fitness is required and as your tactical journey continues, being able to structure your training so you can recover and have meaningful longevity within your career is the ultimate goal. After all, you will be older longer than you are younger...

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How To Crush the PST! Try the Classic PST Week - Video Referenced Material FREE

stew smith core workouts military navy seal periodization pst pst stew smith pt test pullups pushups special ops workouts

How To Crush the PST!  Try the Classic PST Week - Video Referenced Material FREE

Classic PST Week for Navy SEAL, SWCC, EOD, Diver, Air Rescue Swimmer   Here are the charts I discussed in the following video:  Here is the testing week with Double PST:  More about the PST and Beyond Learn how to put it all together - PST CLINIC - Getting TO the TRAINING: MORE PST HELP:  Create a PST Strategy How Bad Do YOu Need a Better PST Score?  Remember - the PST will only guarantee you get TO the Training....Getting THROUGH BUD/S requires much more: See what is "good enough" - PST Type Scores for Spec Ops Training: Now how about your...

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Twenty PLUS Years of Periodization Training Model - Tactical Fitness

stew smith mental toughness military online coaching periodization special ops training stew smith tactical fitness

Twenty PLUS Years of Periodization Training Model - Tactical Fitness

I realized I have been using my Periodization style of training now for 20 years, after one of my former BUD/S prep students reminded me it was 20 years ago he and his classmates shipped off the BUD/S. This was the year, I learned I needed to make some changes in my personal and professional training program and they needed to make sense with job requirements. My periodization program is A WAY to train – not THE WAY to train. It has worked for me from age 27-47 and took me from a near broken, over-trained, SEAL officer to a...

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