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Stew Smith Fitness News — navy

PFT Strategy - Transition Training

stew smith air force army military military fitness navy past pft pst pullups pushups stew smith

This week I received an email from a soldier who writes:Every time I take the PFT, I ace the PT part but my run is much worse than if I ran first. Does the PT take that much out of me that I cannot run my normal pace had I not done the PT first?As with any test, you have to learn how to take tests to score better. There are entire schools and curricula devoted to helping students pass the SAT, ACT and even the ASVAB. The schools are not so much devoted to teaching subjects, but showing students...

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PFT Anxiety - Master the Present and Any Test

stew smith Air Force Army CrushthePST firefighter Navy PFT Police PST PT test USMC

PFT Anxiety - Master the Present and Any Test

PFT Anxiety - How to Relax and Crush the PFT Anxiety is prevalent in our world. It occurs at home, work, social situations, playing sports, and test-taking. Academic testing anxiety is very similar to physical test-taking anxiety. Before taking a chemistry test at the Naval Academy, I felt the same when I took the Navy SEAL PST. Those symptoms were: headaches, nausea, (butterflies) feeling too hot or too cold, etc. The adrenaline flows through your body before any of these events and can adversely affect your performance. What the Romans Say About AnxietyThis is nothing new - as humans, we have been...

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15 Day PFT Prep

stew smith air force army motivation navy navy seal personal training pft police pst pullups pushups stew smith

This 15 day plan was written for a military member who had two weeks to pass his fitness test of 1.5 mile run, pushups, and situps. It is not designed for those members who have not exercised in months, but for those who just need an extra push to surpass the minimums. You could also use this routine to help you hit the maximum standards if you are hitting a plateau in your testing for the Most Common PFT. Knowing that this test is the most common fitness test in the military and law enforcement, I thought I would post...

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