EBOOK-tac: The PFT Bible Workout (USN, USCG, USAF, Police PFT)
The PFT Bible
Go to Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or about 50% of law enforcement academies across the United States and you will see the PFT Standard:
Pushups, Situps, 1.5 mile run.- (pullups also included)
Even the Marine Corps uses this test with it's recruits with added pullups. With added pullups it is also the common Air Force PAST Test for many special programs (TACP, Special RECON, etc)
Now, there is an ebook that addresses the PFT standard, but also helps with functional strength of the core system, legs / hips, upper body and running. More than half the military and law enforcement personnel have to do this PFT - That is why I call this training plan the PFT Bible!
CORE Testing Updates: Now updated for plank poses and leg tucks as many branches are finding ways to replace situps / crunches with plank poses and knee ups. But situps and crunches are not completely gone yet, so build a strong core system so you can do them all if needed.
Go to your training in the shape of your life with this program to help ace the standard Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Pushups, situps, and running are featured in this program accompanied with weights as optional training tools as well. Of course - feel free to email the author - Stew Smith - former Navy SEAL officer at stew@stewsmith.com
From Navy Chief: "Stew I used this program starting in January and by June when I had to take the PFT for the Navy, I blew it away for the first time in my 10 years of service. I even scored outstanding on the 18-20 age group! Thanks a lot!"
Now available as an APP!
This is a DOWNLOADABLE PRODUCT - You may download after purchase.
If you prefer the BOOK see the PFT BIBLE BOOK link and have a book mailed to you.