1BOOK - Navy SEAL Grinder PT Workout Phase 4 - Physical & Mental Toughness Prep
The Navy SEAL Phase 4 - Grinder PT - The Key to Mental Toughness BOOK: This book is designed to make you fail physically and push yourself mentally through pain while avoiding injury and understanding cold, but not freezing yourself.
This Phase IV Grinder PT workout is as tough as it gets and is a great plan to use as a capstone if you have done Phase 1, Phase 2/3, or the Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness. This is about as close to a full day of Spec Ops Training (BUDS) that you can simulate independently. This program mimics the weeks before Hellweek - some of the most challenging and with the highest quitting rates at SEAL Training.
Consider this when you buy this program. You get much more than a book:
- Access to LIVE QA sessions with Stew Smith (YouTube / Instagram) Mon/Tues 9am EST
- Free Special Ops / Navy SEAL Exercises APP for Android and iPhone
- Free CSS Critiques (see videos of the critiques (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok)
- Options for Membership Workouts or Personalized Coaching if needed...and much more.
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL with a proven track record of 20+ years of coaching, training, and making programs work for people who do the workouts. When you buy his programs, you can access Stew Smith to ask questions and send critique videos! This is customer service you cannot put a price on. Just email Stew at stew@stewsmith.com for answers to your questions about fitness and military training.
THIS IS A BOOK - IF YOU PREFER THE EBOOK - see the link for Navy SEAL Grinder PT Workout EBOOK