EBOOK - Weight Vest Workout
The Weight Vest Workout mixes calisthenics, some weights, cardio with a weighted vest as desired to add more challenge to a home PT program. Adding a weight vest to your training plan can enhance basic calisthenics, simulate protective gear carry, and replace a ruck for some of your distance training.
This program is a 12 week plan that features Week 1-4: Basic Calisthenics / Cardio Phase. The Weight Vest addition will make this phase an advanced level start.
Weeks 5-8: Weights, Calisthenics, Cardio options with speed / agility drills.
Week 9-12: More Weights, mixed with harder calisthenics movements, longer cardio options (run, ruck, swim and non impact options like bike, row, elliptical if needed).
NOTE - You do not necessarily need the Raptor Weight Vest for this workout plan. Some of the sled tows exercises will require a separate harness OR you can skip or find an adequate replacement for some of the leg day sled pulls.
This is a DOWNLOADABLE PRODUCT with embedded videos in PDF format. You can download it to your computer, phone, pad, and even print it out if you prefer.
IF you prefer the book version, see BOOK LINK here at The Weight Vest Workout BOOK.