EBOOK-civ: Fifty Days to Fit: Babyboomer / Retired Vet Workout Plan
UPDATED 2018 - As Americans age, we get overweight and unhealthy. Usually it is a combination of eating like we were 20-30 years younger and having a sedentary office job or being retired and inactive.
Now there is a plan to help the many Veterans who have asked for a program specifically for the retired or near retired babyboomer!
Vet's - you asked for it. Here is a program to help you better handle the next decade or more! Walk or run into your Golden Years - don't get rolled in if you can avoid it!
This program focuses flexibility, balance, weight loss, and muscle / bone development or strengthening. It starts out easy and builds up into a fairly challenging program within 50 days.
You will see better functionality of your body doing everyday things as well as better overall health by reducing your stomach size. Extra stomach size is an early indicator of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure to name a few...
From Success Story: "Thank you STEW!! I have been working on your program a little over a year. I am 5ft. 7 and last year I weighted over 220 lbs., in a size 24 -26 felt horrible, depressed and eating for the sake of eating (all the wrong foods). Today one year and one month later I have lost 60 lbs! I am now in a size 14 -16. I still have about 13 -20 more lbs. to go to reach my health goal, but I feel GREAT! My arthritis, joints and my over all health problems including my acne has gotten better!! At my last doctors appointment, my DR asked me what happened to me over the past year. We were looking over my health records (weight charts) over the past year, I told him about your website. He went to the programs that you have and the one that I have been on, he said that he was going to recommend your site to others that need motivation and implement some of your ideas in their health plans!!
You have really helped me out, and I refer a lot of my customers at work to you!! One of my co workers has lost about 10 lbs, just by drinking water for a little over a month!"
Feel free to email Stew Smith at any time if you have questions.
This is a downloadable ebook in PDF format.